WAAR IS DE SKIER ? is an on going project created by ILPALINSESTO.
is the title of an ongoing project aimed at children aged 4 and over and the adults who accompany them. It’s a device created to tell the story of a missing skier. Children are the protagonists of this adventure, they follow color-coded trails (scenes), like those on a real map that explains the difficulties of ski runs through color codes, to search the skier. The search generates a journey, and children are invited to look for the skier, moving from one universe to another using geometric shapes and colors, materials to touch and structures to cross, a soundtrack to dance to, a narrative to listen to and costumes to wear. The children, aided and abetted by the adults accompanying them, are invited to play games to find the skier: a game of chamboule-tout, angling, collective drawings, building and assembling shapes, rolling paper cars in an invented city, a wall circuit, creative workshops to make the story their own…
Waar is de Skier? is designed to be modular, so that it can be deployed in different forms depending on the context in which it is performed, and to adapt to different audiences: as an interactive show guided by performers with a beginning and an end, or as a ‘autonomous’ interactive exhibition and also a participative and performative game for school groups.
Waar is de Skier? is therefore a tool for telling stories immersing the audience in a playful and participative site specific narration. Waar is de Skier? is a place, an invented universe where you can experience a story through action (building, associating, touching, throwing…), exchange ideas without words while playing, and take part in a surreal collective investigation. It’s a structure whose use is constantly evolving, and whose content can be shared by a temporary community of children and adults built around the show.
Where is the skier ? is an on-going project realised by ILPALINSESTO in collaboration with Georges Le Gonidec
residency- research moments in:
Westrand Cultuurcentrum Dilbeek
C-mine, Genk
KAAP, Brugge
Westrand Cultuurcentrum Dilbeek
studio Cas-co in CC30 Leuven
ABC Art Basic for Children
4.02.2024, Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale, Molenbeek
24.03-2024, STORMOPKOMST Festival, De Warande, Turnhout
28.04.2024 STORMOPKOMST Festival, C-Mine, Genk
25-28 October 2025 Festival RODE HOLD, CC30, Leuven
gallery 1 _ STORM OP KOMST, C-Mine, Genk, 2024
some pictures are © by Eline Dresselaerts and © by Boumedienne Belbachir
gallery 2_ STORM OP KOMST, De Warande, Turnhout 2024
some pictures are (c) by Olympe Tits
gallery 3_ KAAP, Brugges (october – november 2023)
some pictures are (c) by Louise Vervaet
gallery 4_ Materdei School, Genk (Juin 2023)
some pictures are (c) by An Leemans
gallery 5_ Westrand Cultuurcentrum Dilbeek (April 2023)
with support for research :

with the professional support of
Georges Le Gonidec for the construction of the module, the music and animation
Laura Decloed for the animation part in Westrand Cultuurcentrum
and the material support of:
FabLab at Maison de la Cohesion Sociale Molenbeek